Spring to Life - Growing Wellbeing

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Spring to Life - Growing Wellbeing

Spring to Life CIC runs workplace courses and community projects alongside our regular counselling provision.
Many of our projects are funded by grants and run for fixed periods of time only.
If you are planning to attend a community project, please check by phone beforehand.

30 Apr 2024
Well-being in the Green
Join us from 1.00 - 4.30  for Allotment Gardening. No experience necessary and all tools are provided. Sessions run each Thursday from 9 May until 25 July 2024.

Join us on Tuesdays  from 10.30 till 1.30 starting 30 April till 25 June 2024 for Forest Gardening at Watkins Wild Orchard in  Kings Norton.

There are 3 walks on Wednesdays 8th May, 15th May and 12th June from 1.00 - 3.30

Contact Felipe on 07980 272 940 or email him at felipe@springtolife.org  to join any of these groups or find out more in ...

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26 Jan 2024
I want to ask for Counselling - what do I need to do?
Normally, an individual can phone or text the Spring to Life Office phone on 07856 277028, Mon - Fri 10.00 - 4.00, or email via the website or info@springtolife.org to discuss their needs in confidence.
Our current waiting times are around 3 to 4 months.

Alternatively, please contact Living Well Consortium tel 0121 663 1217 or email

Please note we cannot provide emergency care for people in immediate crisis. Please use 111, 999, your local GP or Samaritans on 116 123  for help in thos ...

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28 Sep 2023
Well-being in the Green
Join our eco-therapy programme this autumn to meet new people and benefit from being in nature.

Our exciting new programme in the Kings Norton / Druids Heath area of Birmingham includes nature walks, opportunities to reflect on nature through writing, and opportunities to help protect our natural environment through conservation work.

All sessions are led by Associates from Spring to Life CIC who will welcome you and share their love of nature with you. See video on the read more link below; scroll down to bottom of ...

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17 Feb 2023
Mother Gardens
Mother Gardens is a scheme developed by Food Forest Brum and its parent organisation Spring to Life CIC
See our Community Projects page for more information about how it works and how you can join in. Mother Gardens are providing resources to help people grow their own food at home.

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Spring to Life - Growing Wellbeing
Spring to Life - Growing Wellbeing

To get in touch with us, please use the details below or use our online contact form.

07856 277 028

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