Spring to Life - Growing Wellbeing

Community Wellbeing Projects

Spring to Life - Growing Wellbeing

Spring to Life is passionate about helping people become the best that they can be. This includes helping people to build strong relationships with their families, their friends and their wider communities, to improve resilience. Our community projects aim to help people make connections with other people in their local environment and find a sense of purpose. Many of our projects help people to enjoy being outdoors in nature, and to become involved in planting and growing food to benefit themselves and their community. One user recently commented: It was good to be out of doors, it didn’t feel pressurised. I liked being with other people.

07 May 2024
Well-being in the Green
Join our eco-therapy programme this spring and summer to meet new people and benefit from being in nature in the Kings Norton / Druids Heath area of Birmingham. More dates to follow soon.

Allotment sessions are on Thursdays  from 1.00 - 4.30pm
Forest Gardening at Watkins Wild Orchard, Walkers Heath Park on Tuesdays from 10.30am - 1.30pm
We also have 3 walks scheduled for Wednesdays 8 and 15 May, and 12 June, from 1.00 - 3.30 pm 
To sign up for any activity please contact Felipe on 07980 272 940 or email ...

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20 Jul 2023
Working together to grow food
We have regular groups of people attending our allotment in Kings Norton and already the harvest is looking promising.
We also have times when the whole family can get involved in learning how to grow their own food.
To find out more, 
Phone/text 07980 272 940
or email felipe@springtolife.org

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CAN - Community Anchoring Networks
CAN aims to connect people to activities, services and projects happening in their community or in their city, in order to support their well-being. This is our version of Social Prescribing. We  may connect and support people to access leisure activities, refer them to services to meet their basic needs such as Food Banks and Pantries, welfare and debt advice, other mental health projects, and further services provided in the city.

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Mother Gardens project
The Mother Gardens project emerged out of Food Forest Brum, as a method for local food groups themselves to grow, share and receive plants. Mother Gardens may allocate nursery beds for propogation on their site, or simply dig up and share surplus plants that have spread and multiplied. Therefore any group or individual can sign up as a Mother garden regardless of the level of expertise or time available.
Plants are then shared to groups and individuals in their local areas or with other Mother gardens across t ...

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Food Forest Brum
Food Forest Brum
For several years we have been working with communities to create permanent food landscapes, where all people can access fresh food in their open spaces.
We provide a range of perennial edible plants free of charge to local groups in Birmingham and surrounding areas . This can range from fruit and nut trees trees, soft fruit shrubs, herbs and perennial vegetables. These will go in a range of settings such as community orchards, edible hedges, forest gardens, as well as to be planted individually or f ...

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Spring to Life - Growing Wellbeing
Spring to Life - Growing Wellbeing

To get in touch with us, please use the details below or use our online contact form.

07856 277 028

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